
Tag Archives: Twilight of the Dragons

The Fantasy Book Club interviews Andy Remic…

Yes! If you are bored, and wish to listen to me drivel for an hour to the poor devils known as Sam and James at the Square Groot, name-dropping the likes of Mark Gascoigne (Angry Robot Books), Lee Harris (Tor), interviewer Marie Vedat, and lots of dudes involved in my Spectrum Addict film, along with conversation about my early works (Spiral, Combat K, Kell’s Legend) and new and upcoming projects, then you need to listen to this as you a) mow the garden, b) pluck your nostrils, c) administer a much-needed enema to your stinky dog. Go listen. Or not. 🙂

Randy. x


It’s a busy month in Remic Land #2. Over at Angry Robot Books you can read a free extract of my recently released novel, Twilight of the Dragons, follow-up to the very well received The Dragon Engine published last year.

“During a recent dwarf civil-war deep under the Karamakkos Mountains, the magick-enslaved dragonlords have broken free from centuries of imprisonment and slaughtered tens of thousands throughout the Five Havens before exploding from the mountain and heading in fire and vengeance for the lands of Vagandrak.

Two once-noble war heroes of Vagandrak – Dakeroth and his wife Jonti Tal, an archer and scholar, the Axeman, the White Witch and a Kaalesh combat expert find themselves in a unique position: for they have discovered the ancient dragon city of Wyrmblood, and a thousand unhatched dragon eggs.

Dakeroth and his companions must work with their enemies, Skalg and the Church of Hate, in order to bring down the dragonlords and save the world of men and dwarves. But there is no bartering with these ancient dragons; for they seek to hatch their eggs and rebuild the cruel Wyrmblood Empire of legend.

File Under: Fantasy  [ Hatchlings and Hatchets | Chop-chop! | Give Love a Chance | Dragons vs Wolves ]”

You can read an extract here:


If you’re heading for FantasyCon in Scarborough on 24th/25th September 2016, if you’re really unlucky, you might bump into me. Please come and say hello. I don’t bite.

And… if you have a blog/website etc., and fancy doing an interview about my fantasy books such as Kell’s Legend, Soul Stealers, Vampire Warlords, The Iron Wolves, The White Towers, The Dragon Engine, Twilight of the Dragons, or my recent Tor novellas set during WWI, A Song for No Man’s Land, Return of Souls …and The Iron Beast, then please arrange an interview time by emailing .

And, AMAZING NEWS! I have very kindly been invited …..muffle muffle. Can’t say that yet. But I will SOON!!!!

See you there!

Andy Rem_author 3

Hey peeps!!

Finally, after all these long cold winter months, my next two novels for Angry Robot Books have been announced! The Dragon Engine (due September 2015) and Twilight of the Dragons (TBC) are in production, and should be sedated and allowed from their hefty padlocked cages real soon…

Remic said:  “I am once again thrilled to be working with Angry Robot on my next two hardcore violent fantasy novels, The Dragon Engine and Twilight of the Dragons. Both novels are set in the same world as The Iron Wolves and The White Towers, and feature  a group of honourable heroes who go in search of wealth and immortality… but find a whole barrel-load of trouble instead. These books will hit new levels in fantasy violence and anti-heroic depravity… Game of Thrones? Pffft. Game of Marshmallows compared to what I’m writing now!!”

You can read the full article over at Angry Robot Books –
