
Andy Remic

grimdark magazine

My story RAGE WOLF (a story of THE IRON WOLVES) was published recently by Grimdark Magazine, which I’m totally thrilled about: I’m getting back into the groove of writing after a two-year hiatus. My good friend, bruv and super talented musical maestro Rob Shedwick (aka Digital Front) composed an album called FOUND IN MACHINES which I listened to whilst writing, and which certainly set the tone of the story (links below). After reading an early draft, Rob then beavered away composing a thrilling action tune to accompany Dek’s ascent of The Red Tower in RAGE WOLF – and you can hear it here in all it’s g(l)ory: The Red Tower, by Rob Shedwick –

Painted Mannequins sets the opening tone of the story. You can hear it here:

Then, New Doll, Sick Doll and Doll’s Burial all further compliment the story, and are awesome pieces of music in their own right. Check them out!!

A little while ago TOR published three of my novellas, A Song For No Man’s Land, The Iron Beast and Return of Souls. Rob composed a track to accompany them, which can be heard here. Go Rob!!!

And finally, if you haven’t already, you can get Grimdark Magazine here:

Hello peeps. It’s been a while…..

I rarely do these things, but I’m pleased to announce I will be at Edge Lit in Derby on Saturday 14th July 2018 – if you want any of my books signing (ranging from Spiral, War Machine, Biohell, Kell’s Legend, The Iron Wolves, The Dragon Engine all the way to A Song For No Man’s Land, Return of Souls etc. etc.), or indeed, my film Memoirs of a Spectrum Addict, then please pop along. I don’t bite.


At 11am I’ll be on a panel with esteemed agent Julie Crisp, Anna Smith-Spark and Gav Thorpe on ‘The Life and Work of David Gemmell’.

I’ll be conducting a workshop at 3pm on ‘How to Improve Your Chances of Getting Published’. This will be an informal affair and it you want to bring the opening of a short story/novel to be critiqued in a “workshop” environment that would be fun. There are only fifteen places so you’ll have to be quick (or maybe not, lol).

And, finally, I’ll be Guest Speaker at the tenth David Gemmell Awards for Fantasy, from 8pm to 9pm in the Sir John Hurt Cinema, where I will regale you with anecdotes of writing to, and meeting, the late, great David Gemmell.

It’s going to be a cool gig.

I don’t do book signings often. However, on Saturday 12th August I’m out there to promote my new film, and will happily sign books as well 🙂

Memoirs of a Spectrum Addict, a Film by Andy Remic, will have a stand at the Video Game Market at Doncaster Dome, Saturday 12th August 2017.

There you can buy signed DVDs and BluRays, but also meet author / filmmaker Andy Remic. He’ll be selling some of his novels (22 professionally published so far) and if you are a fan, pop along with your books and he’ll sign them for free. 🙂

Review copies of the film Spectrum Addict are available if you have a magazine, blog, website, TV company (ahem). Email me. Contact:

You can also order the film  on digital, DVD and BluRay at:


It’s a busy month in Remic Land #2. Over at Angry Robot Books you can read a free extract of my recently released novel, Twilight of the Dragons, follow-up to the very well received The Dragon Engine published last year.

“During a recent dwarf civil-war deep under the Karamakkos Mountains, the magick-enslaved dragonlords have broken free from centuries of imprisonment and slaughtered tens of thousands throughout the Five Havens before exploding from the mountain and heading in fire and vengeance for the lands of Vagandrak.

Two once-noble war heroes of Vagandrak – Dakeroth and his wife Jonti Tal, an archer and scholar, the Axeman, the White Witch and a Kaalesh combat expert find themselves in a unique position: for they have discovered the ancient dragon city of Wyrmblood, and a thousand unhatched dragon eggs.

Dakeroth and his companions must work with their enemies, Skalg and the Church of Hate, in order to bring down the dragonlords and save the world of men and dwarves. But there is no bartering with these ancient dragons; for they seek to hatch their eggs and rebuild the cruel Wyrmblood Empire of legend.

File Under: Fantasy  [ Hatchlings and Hatchets | Chop-chop! | Give Love a Chance | Dragons vs Wolves ]”

You can read an extract here:


If you’re heading for FantasyCon in Scarborough on 24th/25th September 2016, if you’re really unlucky, you might bump into me. Please come and say hello. I don’t bite.

And… if you have a blog/website etc., and fancy doing an interview about my fantasy books such as Kell’s Legend, Soul Stealers, Vampire Warlords, The Iron Wolves, The White Towers, The Dragon Engine, Twilight of the Dragons, or my recent Tor novellas set during WWI, A Song for No Man’s Land, Return of Souls …and The Iron Beast, then please arrange an interview time by emailing .

And, AMAZING NEWS! I have very kindly been invited …..muffle muffle. Can’t say that yet. But I will SOON!!!!

See you there!

Andy Rem_author 3

And so, between teaching, doing copy-edits (on my next two books), working on my PhD and dealing with idiots and psychos, suddenly my next book is released! And here it is – Return of Souls – the second volume in my Song for No Man’s Land novella trilogy for TOR in the US. This is one of my favourites, and I hope you enjoy!!!

You can read an excerpt here:

Return of Souls

And buy it here:




FREE FREE FREE! Amazing composer Digital Front was so inspired by Andy Remic’s recent World War I dark fantasy novella, A Song For No Man’s Land, that he decided to create an accompanying soundtrack which can be yours, for FREE. If you pootle on down to you’ll be able to listen to the soundtrack, and in fact download your very own copy to put on the music player of your choice. Not only that, but Digital Front has also created a second, more ethereal version of the soundtrack which can be found at AND he’s also created a 15 minute ambient backdrop which can be listened to when reading the book! Wow! And all that for FREE! (Did I mention it was free?).


When pushed to explain this madness, Digital Front proclaimed, “The bleak and gritty terror of fighting on the Front in the First World War, with dark otherworldly beings, beautifully evocative cover art and Remic’s rock solid writing, couldn’t help but inspire me to put music to this unique and compelling tale of dark fantasy and horror played out against the backdrop of one of history’s blackest moments.”

Here’s a poster to advertise the tracks, with that sublime artwork by Jeffrey Alan Love.


Andy Rem.