
Short films

Here’s a little Christmas present for you peeps!! I basically created a small digital cartoon for Angry Robot’s Advent Calendar (Day 5, see here: But I thought it would also be fun to dump it all into a small video and YouTube it. So I have done. Music is by Jordan Reyne, used with permission. Check out where you can download her earlier albums for free 🙂 And MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

I carried out some filmed interviews at the World Horror Convention in Brighton this year, which were great fun. I’ve finally got round to compiling the footage into something worth watching, and will release them here on my site over the coming weeks. The interviewees consist of:

Jonathan Oliver, Editor-in-Chief at Solaris/Abaddon Books

Lee Harris, Editor at Angry Robot Books

Gillian Redfearn, Editor at Gollancz

Gary McMahon, Author

Ian Whates, Author

Steven Volk, Author

and finally, I filmed Neil Gaiman interviewing James Herbert, and both authors have sportingly given me permission to publish the footage.

So, some fun film stuff coming your way soon……. startng with………..

World Horror Con in Brighton last month was a blast, a really buzzing convention with a great atmosphere and where everybody seemed to get on great. I had it in mind to make a short film documentary about the convention, and indeed horror in general, and could thus be seen loitering with Sony FX1000 in hand, waiting to snap up interviews with certain people.

I, like most, had no idea Neil Gaiman was dropping by for a surprise visit to interview James Herbert, and I filmed most of this highly entertaining event. Whilst I’m putting together my doc, I thought I’d drop a few stills onto my site– Here’s Neil Gaiman and James Herbert, Stephen Volk, writer of TV’s Ghostwatch and Afterlife, and Jon Oliver, Editor-in-Chief of Solaris and Abaddon Books—as a teaser.

I’m not sure whether to release a series of shot docs with individuals yet, or to make a longer “episode”, but these will no doubt be released on YouTube shortly. Watch this space :-). And thank you to everybody who took part.

Neil Gaiman and James Herbert.

Stephen Volk.

Jonathan Oliver.

Here it is, the SOUL STEALERS short promo film. It was a helluva lot of fun to make, you can see me grinning like an idiot on the sword-fighting scenes. It also stars Nicole Willis, a brill little actress, and my mate Ian Graham, author of MONUMENT ( Sword/axe fighting in the snow was a real giggle, right up to the point I nearly shoved my sword up through Ian’s lower jaw and thus skewered his brain (it was a real steel blade, incidentally). I really did nearly kill the guy! But then we should all suffer for our art, yes? Enjoy 🙂

By the way– the novel is out May 2010, from all good bookshops and online retailers.

Soul Stealers short film promo poster.