
Movie News

WANTED – Amateur actors and actresses; I’m filming a promo film for HARDCORE, my latest novel, at a steelworks in Bury on Sunday 31st January 2009. It’s non-profit making film (so you don’t get paid) but if you fancy being a zombie nurse/ zombie doctor extra, then drop me an email at If you have a uniform/ lab coat, then all the better!! Cheers, Andy Remic.

OK, so I’ve made a short film called Chemical Man, mainly as a learning process to get me used to hi-def cams and editing software and, er, working with “actors”. By making something like this, you certainly learn a lot during the process and it’s a damn sight harder than you think!! There are many “mistakes” in the film but hey, it was really good fun and I’ll post Chemical Man soon so I can be pelted with rotten tomatoes, heh. As one friend said when they saw this pic, “Is that you, Rem, in the gimp mask?”. Ho ho. So yes, it is indeed I in the gimp mask.

Please note, I want to say a very special thanks to the musicians who graciously and humorously gave permission to use their vibes in this little film. So thanks to Jordan Reyne for her sultry vocals, thanks to TH3 M1SS1NG which I hate to type but love to listen to, and also especially for that haunting piano track written just for this film; and finally, a HUGE THANKS to the wonderful NEW MODEL ARMY for permisison to use Bad Harvest from their latest album, Today Is A Good Day, and who I’ve been listening to for DECADES!! Wow. I’m totally honoured!!

Hello there. I’ve been working on a short horror film for quite some time called CHEMICAL MAN, and had put together a short “teaser trailer” a while back (before I got vertigo). Anyway, having been pretty ill recently, I’ve only just got round to having the enthusiasm to post it. So, here you go. There’s no swearing or dodgy stuff, but it is creepy – so be warned!!

I recently posted a film of a panel at FantasyCon 2009. There has been a complaint. I did not get written consent from all the panel members. As such, I have been “asked” to remove the film from YouTube. I have removed the film, so all links to it are now dead.

Apologies to anbody who wished to see Ian Graham’s comedy rendition of Beowulf.

I will be posting more video this weekend, courtesy of that lovely lady Gail Z. Martin, who it has to be said, was great fun at FantasyCon and is a cracking fellow author. Thanks Gail!! 🙂

Just come across another great review of Kell’s Legend – although I didn’t realise Gemmell had the monopoly on “Laddie”, but all comments duly noted 🙂

‘Kell’s Legend’ is a roller coaster ride of a book that grabbed me right from the first page and tore off at a rate of knots like I hadn’t seen in a long time. The only chance anyone gets to take a breather is when Kell removes his axe from a corpse that hasn’t had the time to realise that it’s dead! Before you’ve had a chance to take a proper breath, it’s back into the fray again.

Check out:

Just thought I’d take this opportunity to remind people of the Kell’s Legend video promo I made… link below for those new to the site.